Pourquoi prendre des amphetamines?

Pourquoi prendre des amphétamines?

Elles augmentent la vigilance, la confiance en soi, la concentration et la capacité de travail (elles sont aussi souvent détournées dans ce but par les étudiants ou les sportifs par exemple). Elles limitent la sensation de fatigue et de faim et diminuent le besoin de sommeil.

Comment arrêter la drogue dure?

Un sevrage ambulatoire ou hospitalier peut être mis en place mais aussi une réflexion sur la place que la drogue a pris dans votre vie et les raisons ayant entrainé cette consommation. Une prise en charge globale est essentielle, la consommation de drogue n’étant jamais un problème isolé dans la vie d’une personne.

How does Adderall work in the brain?

Adderall is a combination of two central nervous system (CNS) stimulants, amphetamine and dextroamphetamine. When these get to the brain, they act like the naturally occurring neurotransmitters dopamine, epinephrine (also known as adrenaline) and norepinephrine.

How does Adderall cause physical dependence?

Physical dependence occurs when the brain is used to the way the drug interacts with the central nervous system and the way it influences its chemical makeup. Natural levels of norepinephrine, a form of adrenaline, as well as mood-regulating neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine are disrupted by the presence of Adderall.

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What is Adderall neurotoxicity?

Abuse of Adderall can be highly dangerous, as the drug can have neurotoxic effects. Adderall neurotoxicity is damage to the nervous system, and in the case of Adderall, it refers to neuron and nerve damage caused by high levels of dopamine. Adderall works by increasing levels of dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine in the brain.

Why does Adderall cause seizures?

It also lowers the convulsion threshold, meaning Adderall creates so much activity in the brain that if a person is prone to seizures, the drug makes these much more likely. Even at normal therapeutic doses, Adderall can exaggerate existing psychiatric conditions such as anxiety, bipolar disorder, depression or schizophrenia.

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