Qui meurt dans la ligne verte?

Qui meurt dans la ligne verte?

Dans le livre, Mr Jingles meurt quasiment en même temps qu’Elaine, la camarade de Paul. Stephen King écrit que Paul Edgecombe aurait dû mourir en même temps que Mr Jingles.

Qui sont les acteurs de la Ligne verte?

Michael Clarke Duncan
L’acteur noir américain Michael Clarke Duncan, qui avait notamment été nominé aux oscars pour son rôle de condamné à mort dans La Ligne verte, est décédé lundi des suites d’un infarctus du myocarde à l’âge de 54 ans, selon son manager Dan Spilo.

Who is Percy Wetmore in the Green Mile?

Percy Wetmore is the secondary antagonist in The Green Mile . Percy is the nephew of the governor’s wife, and likely received his position through his family’s connections. Percy is first seen loudly announcing the arrival of John Coffey until his superior, Paul Edgecomb, orders him to stop.

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Does Percy Jackson die in the Green Mile?

He later dies in 1965, despite being the youngest of the guards. Percy is described as a small (in both body and mind) man who works on death row for the pleasure of watching prisoners die. The other guards want him reassigned, but his contacts enable him to stay on the Green Mile.

What is Percy’s job in the Green Mile?

Percy is described as a small (in both body and mind) man who works on death row for the pleasure of watching prisoners die. The other guards want him reassigned, but his contacts enable him to stay on the Green Mile.

What happened to the main actors of the Green Mile?

The film had grossed $290 million dollars with its main cast including actors Tom Hanks, Sam Rockwell and Michael Clarke Duncan. The Green Mil e became a classic film, but what happened to its main actors? Michael Jeter played inmate Eduard Delacroix. Delacroix has been there since the beginning of the film and develops a close bond to a mouse.

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