Qui est SCP 055?

Qui est SCP 055?

Description : SCP-055 est un « auto-garde de secret » ou un « anti-mémétique ». Les informations sur SCP-055 concernant son apparence physique, sa nature, son comportement et ses origines sont auto-classifiées. Pour être plus clair : La manière dont le Site-19 a obtenu SCP-055 est inconnue.

Quel est le SCP 008?

Description : SCP-008 est un prion complexe, dont les échantillons sont stockés sur les sites G2. La recherche sur SCP-008 est hautement classifiée, et est principalement destinée à empêcher la recherche pouvant conduire à une synthèse de SCP-008 à l’avenir.

Quel est le plus dangereux SCP?

Keter : les entités de classe keter comme SCP 035, SCP 106 ou SCP 682 sont les plus dangereux. Ils menacent l’humanité et doivent toujours être confinés. Ces SCP sont difficilement maîtrisables et leur reconfinement peut causer plusieurs morts.

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What exactly is scp-000?

Naturally, as a pattern screamer, 000 is a consciousness embedded within the fabric of the multiverse; specifically within the SCiPnet entry for SCP-000. Its power comes from those that perceive it; the more people that know of 000, the stronger it becomes.

How did scp-000 know they had a mouth?

The plane of SCP-000 was much like a purgatory, with the being able to walk until they eventually stopped and returned exactly back where they were. It witnessed various SCPs, described as abominations, within the database; it heard one simply speak the word « Foundation », which made 000 realize they had a mouth.

Is the scp-10000 hostile to humans?

SCP-10000 is hostile any humans. There 3 pattern of SCP-10000 activity (Y, X, V). Pattern Y is passive state of SCP-10000 when no humans are around it. SCP-10000 will stand still and manipulate the matter around it to unknown green substance that can be touch by humans with no consequence.

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What happened to Rosen after the scp-000 incident?

In the Foundation’s Research Department, Technical Researcher David Rosen received multiple repair tickets from the database entry for SCP-000. Rosen eventually placed suppression on all tickets relating to SCP-000. Unknown to him, however, was that he contained 000 and permanently prevented escape from their prison.

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