Qui a fait Mathilda?

Qui a fait Mathilda?

Mara Wilson a reçu de nombreux prix pour son rôle de Matilda.

Comment s’appelle la copine de Matilda?

Mme Folyot Mme Folyot est la bibliothécaire du village. Elle passe son temps à la bibliothèque pour ranger les livres et conseiller les lecteurs. Elle est passionnée par la littérature et veut partager sa passion. Elle est très gentille et bienveillante avec Matilda car cette petite fille la fascine.

Comment s’appelle la directrice de Matilda?

Pour son premier jour d’école, elle découvre qu’il y a une directrice, Mademoiselle Legourdin, qui est horrible et très méchante car elle déteste les enfants et fait peur à tout le monde. Elle enferme les enfants dans un placard !

How did the loss of the necklace change Matilda’s life?

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The loss of the necklace changed her life. Her husband borrowed a lot of money to replace it. She and her husband worked hard for ten years to repay the debt. In the end, she came to know that the necklace was made of artificial diamonds. Matilda was a woman of self-respect. She did not tell Mrs Forestier that she had lost the necklace.

What does Madame Forestier tell Matilda at the end of the story?

At the end of her story, Madame Forestier clasps her hands and tells Matilda the original necklace was just costume jewelry and not worth anything. What, do you think, were the feelings of Madam Forestier when she came to know that Matilda returned her a diamond necklace in place of an artificial one?

What happens at the end of the play Matilda?

Ans. In the end, Madam Forestier told Matilda that the necklace which she lent to her and for whose replacement they had to suffer so much, was really a false one. The ending of the play is quite unexpected but logical.

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How is Matilda a tragic character?

Matilda is a tragic character. She borrowed a necklace from a friend to wear at a party. Everybody praised her beauty. But she lost the necklace. The loss of the necklace changed her life. Her husband borrowed a lot of money to replace it. She and her husband worked hard for ten years to repay the debt.

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