Quels sont les trois protocoles qui interviennent au niveau de la couche application du modele Tcp-IP?

Quels sont les trois protocoles qui interviennent au niveau de la couche application du modèle Tcp-IP?

Les protocoles de la couche transport à ce niveau sont TCP (Transmission Control Protocol, protocole de contrôle de la transmission), UDP (User Datagram Protocol, protocole de datagramme utilisateur) et SCTP (Stream Control Transmission Protocol, protocole de transmission de contrôle de flux).

Quels protocoles appartiennent à la couche accès réseau du modèle TCP-ip?

La couche Internet contient 5 protocoles :

  • Le protocole IP.
  • Le protocole ARP.
  • Le protocole ICMP.
  • Le protocole RARP.
  • Le protocole IGMP.

What are the defaults for TCP/IP in Oracle Net listener?

The defaults for TCP/IP on the Linux operating system and Microsoft Windows follow: By default, Oracle Net Listener permits only local administration for security reasons. As a policy, the listener can be administered only by the user who started it.

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How does Oracle universal installer assign port numbers to components?

During installation, Oracle Universal Installer assigns port numbers to components from a set of default port numbers. Many Oracle Database components and services use ports. As an administrator, it is important to know the port numbers used by these services, and to make sure that the same port number is not used by two services on your host.

How are port numbers assigned in Oracle Database?

Most port numbers are assigned during installation. Every component and service has an allotted port range, which is the set of port numbers Oracle Database attempts to use when assigning a port.

How do I enable SSL/TLS on my Oracle Server?

Edit the « $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora » file, making sure the port corresponds to that configured for SSL on the server and the protocol is TCPS. The client is now configured. You should now be able to make a connection to the server using the SSL/TLS enabled TNS entry.

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