Quelle sont les decouvertes de Vasco de Gama?

Quelle sont les découvertes de Vasco de Gama?

C’est Vasco de Gama (1469-1524) qui découvrit la route maritime des Indes. Parti de Lisbonne le 8 juillet 1497 à la tête d’une flottille de quatre navires, il passa le Cap le 22 novembre, longea les côtes du Mozambique, puis coupa en ligne droite l’océan Indien pour atteindre Calicut le 19 mai.

Why was Vasco da Gama’s exploration so important?

Vasco de Gama was a Portuguese explorer; he is an important figure because he was the first to reach India by sailing around Africa . He sailed from Lisbon in 1497 with the aim to reach India and open a sea route from Europe to the East. He had numerous stops in Africa before reaching the trading post of Calicut, India (now Kozhikode) in May 1498.

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Why was Vasco da Gama an explorer?

Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama was commissioned by the Portuguese king to find a maritime route to the East . He was the first person to sail directly from Europe to India. In 1497, explorer Vasco da Gama was commissioned by the Portuguese king to find a maritime route to the East.

What did Vasco da Gama discover on his voyage?

The Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama was the first European to discover India. He accomplished this by establishing the sea route from Europe to India, which was previously unknown. Vasco da Gama’s discovery of the European-Indian sea route aided the Portuguese in establishing trade in Asia, which was a significant part of the global Imperial Age.

What were Vasco da Gama’s routes and discoveries?

The Portuguese discovery of the sea route to India was the first recorded trip directly from Europe to India, via the Cape of Good Hope. Under the command of Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama, it was undertaken during the reign of King Manuel I in 1495-1499.Considered one of the most remarkable voyages of the Age of Discovery, it initiated the Portuguese maritime and trade presence in Kerala

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