Quelle est la signification de doctrine?

Quelle est la signification de doctrine?

Le mot « doctrine » désigne d’une manière globale, les travaux contenant les opinions exprimées par des juristes, comme étant le résultat d’une réflexion portant sur une règle ou sur une situation ou sur une institution.

Qu’est-ce qu’une doctrine d’emploi?

Décrit l’emploi ou la mise en œuvre d’une unité opérationnelle.

Comment trouver des notes de doctrine?

Les bases de données Ces bases de données juridiques sont des outils utiles dans la recherche de notes de jurisprudence. Il suffit d’introduire dans la barre de recherche le pourvoi d’une décision et généralement une note juridique sera proposée.

What is the difference between doctrine and policy?

As nouns the difference between policy and doctrine. is that policy is (obsolete) the art of governance; political science or policy can be a contract of insurance while doctrine is a belief or tenet, especially about philosophical or theological matters. As a verb policy. is to regulate by laws; to reduce to order.

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What is the meaning of doctrine?

Doctrine is essentially something that is taught and can be a principle or principles and even a creed of principles presented for acceptance or belief by someone or by a group of people.

How is doctrine established?

Doctrine is a legal principle that is widely adhered to. It is a rule or principle of the law established through the repeated application of legal precedents. Common law lawyers use this term to refer to an established method of resolving similar fact or legal issues as in « the doctrine of stare decisis ».

What is development of doctrine?

Development of Doctrine. For there is a growth in the understanding of the realities and the words which have been handed down. This happens through the contemplation and study made by believers, who treasure these things in their hearts, through a penetrating understanding of the spiritual realities which they experience,…


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