Quelle est la différence entre git pull et git fetch?
La commande git pull automatise la mise à jour des données mais peut entraîner de nombreux conflits si vous avez modifié beaucoup de fichiers. Utiliser la commande git fetch permet de garder son répertoire de travail à jour et de contrôler le moment où l’on souhaite fusionner les données.
What’s the difference between « GIT fetch » and « git pull »?
Difference between Git Fetch and Git Pull Basics of Git Fetch and Git Pull. Git fetch and Git pull are the two most important commands used to manage git repositories efficiently. Purpose of Git Fetch and Git Pull. Goals of Git Fetch and Git Pull. Usage of Git Fetch and Git Pull. Git Fetch vs.
What is the difference between GIT push and git pull?
Well, basically git commit puts your changes into your local repo, while git push sends your changes to the remote location. Since git is a distributed version control system, the difference is that commit will commit changes to your local repository, whereas push will push changes up to a remote repo.
What does Git fetch and git pull?
– fetch , which downloads the changes from your remote repo but doesn’t apply them to your code. – merge , which applies changes taken from fetch to a branch on your local repo. – pull , which is a combined command that does a fetch and then a merge.
How to pull Git repository?
Create a new repository on GitHub and initialize it with a README file