Quelle est la definition du mot triage?

Quelle est la définition du mot triage?

Action de trier, de répartir en choisissant. 2. Gare spécialisée chargée de recevoir les trains de marchandises provenant de diverses directions, de trier les wagons par direction de destination, de former de nouveaux trains et de les expédier. (On dit aussi gare de triage.)

Comment fonctionne une gare de triage?

Les triages fonctionnent par pulsations, surtout la nuit. Les trains de ramassage arrivent en fin de journée, il s’ensuit une phase de débranchements successifs, puis la formation d’une batterie de trains au départ.

Comment s’appelle la plus grande gare de triage du monde?

Bailey Yard
Le triage Bailey (en anglais Bailey Yard) serait la plus grande gare de triage du monde. Il appartient à la Union Pacific (UP) et sert à trier, à entretenir et à réparer des locomotives et des wagons en circulation dans l’ensemble de l’Amérique du Nord. Le triage Bailey se trouve à North Platte, au Nebraska.

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What is triage and why is it important?

SpectraCell Blog. What is Triage Theory, and why is it important to our health? Triage Theory states that the body uses whatever nutrients are available to ensure that the most basic and pressing metabolic functions are fueled first; if a needed nutrient is not available, the body compromises long-term health to ensure short-term critical function.

What are the principles of triage?

The principle of triage is helpful in quickly addressing the severity of a situation. In triage, the higher the need, the more resources and effort will be needed to bring the problem under control.

What does triaging mean?

Triage is the procedure of assigning levels of priority to tasks or individuals to determine the most effective order in which to deal with them.

What is a triage process?

Triage is a process of assigning priority to patients in Emergency. Units, based on measurement of certain signs in the patient and the. triage process, it means that those who are less sick have to wait a.

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