Quelle est la definition du mot sublimation?

Quelle est la définition du mot sublimation?

Passage d’un corps de l’état solide à l’état gazeux. 2. Littéraire. Transformation des pulsions internes en des sentiments élevés, en de hautes valeurs morales ou esthétiques : Sublimation des instincts.

Comment sublimer psychologie?

La sublimation est favorisée par un sentiment de culpabilité et d’angoisse devant l’autorité. Cette autorité peut être extérieure, mais aussi largement intérieure (le surmoi freudien). Le sentiment de culpabilité est en réalité universel. La sexualité peut être un sujet tabou et devenir une sorte de drame existentiel.

What is a real life example of sublimation?

Dry Ice. As mentioned earlier, dry ice is one of the most popular examples of sublimation in real life. As the solid form of carbon dioxide, dry ice creates a smoky effect that is commonly used in ice cream parlors today. Because the substance is relatively safe to handle, it is often used for classroom demonstrations.

What is sublimation and what are some examples of sublimation?

Sublimation is a specialized change of state when a solid substance skips the liquid phase and moves directly into the gas phase. This occurs because the substance absorbs energy so quickly from the surroundings that melting never occurs. Examples of Sublimation: « Dry ice » or solid carbon dioxide sublimes.

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What are the uses of sublimation?

Sublimation is a technique used by chemists to purify compounds. Typically a solid is placed in a vessel which is then heated under vacuum. Under this reduced pressure the solid volatilizes and condenses as a purified compound on a cooled surface, leaving the non-volatile impurities behind.

What are sublimation and deposition?

Both sublimation and deposition are converse to each other. Sublimation is a process by which a solid changes directly into a gas, without going through the liquid stage in the process. In deposition a substance changes directly from the gaseous state into a solid state bypassing the liquid state in between.

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