Quel est le participe passe de sit?

Quel est le participe passé de sit?

Règle du verbe to sit Ce verbe fait partie des verbes irréguliers avec un prétérit irrégulier : sat et un participe passé irrégulier : sat.

Quel est le participe passé de Do?

Règle du verbe to do Ce verbe fait partie des verbes irréguliers avec un prétérit irrégulier : did et un participe passé irrégulier : done.

Comment conjuguer le verbe SIT en anglais?

Conjugaison du verbe anglais TO SIT

  • Indicatif.
  • Présent. I sit. you sit. he sits.
  • I am sitting. you are sitting. he is sitting.
  • I sat. you sat. he sat.
  • I was sitting. you were sitting. he was sitting.
  • I have sat. you have sat. he has sat.
  • I have been sitting. you have been sitting. he has been sitting.
  • I had sat. you had sat. he had sat.
LIS:   Puis-je donner du celeri a mon chien?

Comment on conjugue le verbe to do?

Il faut remarquer qu’à la troisième personne du singulier pour le verbe TO DO on ajoute -es après DO….Le verbe faire au présent.

You make You do
He/she/it makes He/she/it does
We make We do
You make You do

Comment conjuguer do?

Conjugaison du verbe anglais TO DO

  1. Indicatif.
  2. Présent. I do. you do. he does.
  3. I am doing. you are doing. he is doing. we are doing.
  4. I did. you did. he did. we did.
  5. I was doing. you were doing. he was doing.
  6. I have done. you have done. he has done.
  7. I have been doing. you have been doing. he has been doing.
  8. I had done. you had done. he had done.

Comment conjuguer have en anglais?

Conjugaison du verbe anglais TO HAVE

  1. Indicatif.
  2. Présent. he has.
  3. I am having. you are having. he is having. we are having.
  4. I had. you had. he had. we had.
  5. I was having. you were having. he was having.
  6. I have had. you have had. he has had.
  7. I have been having. you have been having. he has been having.
  8. I had had. you had had. he had had.
LIS:   Comment bien definir un concept?

Quel est le verbe do?

Le verbe DO (did, done, doing) signifie faire, c’est un verbe comme les autres.

Comment conjuguer le verbe to do au présent continuous?

  1. I am doing.
  2. you are doing.
  3. he is doing.
  4. we are doing.
  5. you are doing.
  6. they are doing.

Comment conjuguer le verbe DID en anglais?

I did.

  • you did.
  • he did.
  • we did.
  • you did.
  • they did.
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