Quel est le masculin de fertile?

Quel est le masculin de fertile?

(Figuré) Qualifie une personne, ou son activité, qui produit beaucoup et facilement. Cet homme est fertile en expédients, en inventions. — Esprit, imagination fertile….Adjectif.

Singulier Pluriel
Masculin et féminin fertile fertiles

Pourquoi le Croissant fertile?

Espace en forme de croissant qui va de l’Égypte à la Mésopotamie. Il est fertile car la terre est de bonne qualité, le climat est favorable et des fleuves importants (comme le Tigre, l’Euphrate, le Nil et le Jourdain) y sont présents.

What does being fertile actually mean?

Fertility, or being fertile, is the ability for one to naturally conceive and have children. Conception occurs when a sperm meets with an ovum (egg) in the female’s fallopian tubes.

What is the difference between fertile and infertile?

The key difference between fertility and infertility is that fertility is the capability of an organism to produce an offspring under natural conditions while infertility is the inability of an organism to reproduce through natural processes and produce an offspring. Reproduction is an important aspect for the continuity of a species/population.

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What does the name fertile mean?

Usage: Fertile implies the inherent power of production; fruitful, the act. The prairies of the West are fertile by nature, and are turned by cultivation into fruitful fields. The same distinction prevails when these words are used figuratively.

What is the definition of fertile?

Definition of ‘fertile’. fertile. Land or soil that is fertile is able to support the growth of a large number of strong healthy plants. …fertile soil. He was able to bring large sterile acreages back to fertility. A fertile mind or imagination is able to produce a lot of good, original ideas.

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