Quel est le fruit de base Jelly Belly?

Quel est le fruit de base Jelly Belly?

Le bonbon Jelly Bean dans une multitude de parfums ! Le Jelly Bean a un goût de fruit, variable selon la couleur, et est légèrement acidulé. Le bonbon Jelly Bean est proposé en sachet de 250 grammes dans 9 parfums différents : poire, pomme, pastèque, fraise, pêche, mûre, citron, orange et ananas.

Comment s’appelle les bonbons Harry Potter?

Découvrez les Chocogrenouilles ou encore les gommes de limaces (Jelly Slugs), très appréciées des sorciers. Si vous aimez les défis, faites comme Ron Weasley et choisissez un paquet de dragées surprises de Bertie Crochue, des bonbons au bon ou mauvais goût !

Are Jelly Belly Extreme Sport Beans good for You?

Power up for intense workouts or athletic events with Extreme Sport Beans® Jelly Beans from Jelly Belly. These caffeinated candies are just what you need to get that extra boost of energy before exercising. They’re made with healthy ingredients and have been shown to improve sports performance and provide added energy for your workouts.

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Can jelly beans Energize Your Body?

At Jelly Belly, we’ve developed a line of Sport Beans Energizing Jelly Beans that are designed to help fuel the body during intense exercise. Made with carbohydrates, electrolytes and vitamins B and C, these beans have been clinically proven to improve athletic performance.

What flavors do extreme sport jelly beans come in?

Our Extreme Sport Beans® come in a variety of tasty flavors that are sure to remind you of our classic Jelly Belly jelly beans. With options like Watermelon, Cherry and Pomegranate, you’ll look forward to snacking on these jelly beans shortly before every workout session.

What are the benefits of Sport Beans®?

Clinically proven to maximize sports performance, each bean is loaded with carbs for fuel, electrolytes to help maintain fluid balance and vitamins to optimize energy release and protect cells against oxidative damage. Sport Beans® jelly beans are a first-of-its-kind carbohydrate replenishment for sports performance from the makers of Jelly Belly®.

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