Quel age a Chuck dans le labyrinthe?

Quel âge a Chuck dans le labyrinthe?

Apparence et personnalité Chuck est un garçon trapu et grassouillet âgé de 12 ou 13 ans tout au plus, ce qui fait de lui le plus jeune des Blocards.

Comment meurt Chuck dans le Labyrinthe?

Chuck : c’était le nouveau avant que Thomas n’arrive, il est le plus jeune du Bloc. Il a à peine 12 ans et il est le premier ami de Thomas. Il meurt à cause d’un coup de couteau destiné à Thomas.

Comment est mort Chuck dans le Labyrinthe?

Chuck est tué d’une balle par Gally qui a été piqué par un griffeur, Gally est ensuite transpercé par Minho d’une lance. Dans le livre, Chuck meurt d’un coup de couteau lancé par un Gally sous l’emprise de WICKED, avant d’être violemment frappé par Thomas.

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Who is Alby in the Maze Runner?

— Alby in The Maze Runner film. Alby is the leader of the Gladers. He was named after Albert Einstein, the German theoretical physicist. It is mentioned in The Scorch Trials that he was one of the first Gladers.

What are some character traits in the Maze Runner?

CHARACTERS IN THE MAZE RUNNER. Alby. Name: Alby. Named After: Albert Einstein. Age: 17. Gender: Male. Fate: Deceased. Occupation (s): Leader. Physical Features: Alby was a dark skinned boy with hair short-cropped, his face always cleanly shaven.

Who are the characters in the Maaze runner?

CHARACTERS IN THE MAZE RUNNER. Alby. Name: Alby Named After: Albert Einstein Age: 17 Gender: Male Fate: Deceased Occupation(s): Leader Physical Features: Alby was a dark skinned boy with hair short-cropped, his face always cleanly shaven. Teresa. Name: Teresa Agnes (formally Deedee) Named After: Mother Teresa

What happened to Alby and Minho in the Maze Runner?

Soon after, Alby and Minho went out into the Maze to check on Minho’s sighting of a dead Griever; however, the Griever turned out to be playing dead, and Alby got stung. Minho tried to half-carry him back to the Glade. However, they arrived outside the doors just as they began to close for the night.

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