Pourquoi le nom khmer rouge?

Pourquoi le nom khmer rouge?

Le surnom « Khmers rouges » (c’est-à-dire « Cambodgiens communistes ») leur a été attribué par Norodom Sihanouk dans les années 1950 et est utilisé couramment, en français, à travers le monde. Eux-mêmes n’utilisaient pas ce terme.

Pourquoi le génocide au Congo?

Contexte et origines de la guerre Le conflit en république démocratique du Congo trouve ses origines dans le génocide des Tutsi au Rwanda de 1994 ainsi que les événements liés au Burundi, qui virent des centaines de milliers de personnes d’origine ethnique Hutu fuir ces deux pays pour l’est du Zaïre.

What does the name Khmer Rouge refer to?

The term Khmers rouges, French for red Khmers, was coined by King Norodom Sihanouk and later adopted by English speakers (in the form of the corrupted version Khmer Rouge). It was used to refer to a succession of communist parties in Cambodia which evolved into the Communist Party of Kampuchea and later the Party of Democratic Kampuchea.

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What is the meaning of Khmer Rouge?

Freebase(5.00 / 2 votes)Rate this definition: Khmer Rouge. The Khmer Rouge was the name given to the followers of the Communist Party of Kampuchea in Cambodia. It was formed in 1968 as an offshoot of the Vietnam People’s Army from North Vietnam.

What was the significance of Khmer Rouge?

Khmer Rouge, a radical communist movement that ruled Cambodia from 1975 to 1979. The movement came to power after a civil war allowed it to establish a government in Cambodia’s capital. While in power the Khmer Rouge was one of the most brutal Marxist governments in the 20th century, killing 1.5-2 million people .

What did the Khmer Rouge believe?

The Khmer Rouge believed that cities were living and breathing tools of capitalism in their own right – KR cadres referred to Phnom Penh as « the great prostitute of the Mekong. » (Chandler, The Tragedy of Cambodian History, 247) In order to create the ideal communist society, all people would have to live and work in the countryside as peasants.

Comment s’appelait le Viêt Nam avant?

Le Vietnam, alors partie d’un territoire qui s’appelait l’Indochine, était une colonie française depuis 1887. La guerre d’Indochine se déclare au lendemain de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Elle oppose la France aux Vietminh, les indépendantistes vietnamiens dirigés par le parti communiste indochinois.

What were the Khmer Rouges goals?

The Goals of the Khmer Rouge. Most of the outcomes of production in DK were for the benefit of Angka and the economy, not for the benefit the population. However, it seems from this that the ultimate goal of the Khmer Rouge was to create a new Cambodia based on self-sufficiency through an agrarian society.

What was the goal of the Khmer Rouge?

The Khmer Rouge did nothing to help the population. If anyone protested, they were killed on the spot. The ultimate goal of the Khmer Rouge was to create a self-sufficient society based on agrarian principles that would have a very strong economy because the population was a huge labour workforce.

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What country did Khmer Rouge take control of?

The Khmer Rouge took control of Cambodia in 1975, and remained in control until 1979.  »Khmer » means Cambodian and  »Rouge » is French for red. Under their leader, Pol Pot , millions of Cambodians were killed in one of the worst genocides in history.

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