Pourquoi imparfait plus-que-parfait?
En latin, il existe un temps passé, le parfait, qui se traduit aussi bien par : »je chantais » que par »j’ai chanté ». La durée, comme le début et la fin sont imprécis : du coup le temps n’est pas »fait complètement » donc, imparfait. …
When to use the imparfait?
The imparfait is also used to state habitual actions in the past. These past habits are often translated as ‘used to, or ‘would.’ Distinguish between the use of ‘would’ for habitual past actions (imparfait) and the use of ‘would’ for the conditional.
How and when should you use the French imparfait?
L’imparfait (the imperfect) is a French past tense. It describes states and actions that were ongoing or repeated in the past. The imperfect can correspond to the English simple past tense, but also to structures such as used to and would and even the past progressive. L’imparfait is used to tell stories and report on past actions , mostly in written contexts.
When to use imparfait vs Passe Compose?
Imparfait vs passé composé. In a nutshell,the imparfait is used for incomplete actions while the passé composé is reserved for completed ones,but of course it’s more complicated than
What is the French ‘imparfait’?
The french imparfait endings. The imparfait is used to describe repeated or habitual action in the past and descriptive states of being. It is formed by combining the imparfait stem and imparfait endings.