Pourquoi faire assistante d education?

Pourquoi faire assistante d education?

Il permet à des élèves en grande difficulté, voire en opposition avec l’école, de reprendre confiance en eux, de retrouver l’envie d’avancer et de se projeter, pour arriver à une orientation réussie. L’idée est d’alléger les heures de cours pour pouvoir augmenter le nombre de stages en entreprise.

Ou cotisent les enseignants?

En France, les enseignants ne cotisent pas tous auprès du même régime de retraite. Si une majorité travaille dans des établissements publics, d’autres enseignent dans le privé et cotisent auprès du régime général.

What is an AED and why is it important?

AED’s strengthen the chain of survival. They can restore a normal heart rhythm in sudden cardiac arrest victims. Also, new portable models allow more people to respond to a medical emergency where defibrillation is required.

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What are the considerations when using an AED?

An AED (automated external defibrillator) is a device that gives the heart an electric shock when someone’s heart has stopped (cardiac arrest). You can use an AED on children over one year old and adults. Ambulances have them on board, but using an AED in the minutes before an ambulance arrives can double someone’s chances of survival.

When to use an AED in an emergency?

How to Use an AED When to Use an AED. The first step is to determine whether a defibrillator is actually needed. Before Using an AED. If someone goes into cardiac arrest, it’s important to call emergency services immediately. Perform CPR While Waiting for the AED. If someone else is running to retrieve the defibrillator, start CPR immediately.

What are the steps to use an AED?

How to use an AED. The AED protocol has seven basic steps: Check unresponsiveness. Call 9-1-1 or the local emergency number (if applicable) and retrieve the AED. Open the airway and check for breathing. If there is no breathing or breathing appears abnormal, give two slow breaths. Check for a pulse.

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