Pourquoi Beth est morte dans The Walking Dead?

Pourquoi Beth est morte dans The Walking Dead?

Beth est décédée d’une blessure par balle à la tête dans la saison 5 de The Walking Dead. Elle est tuée par l’officier Dawn Lerner, qui a dirigé les survivants à l’hôpital Grady Memorial. Cependant, son enlèvement par le groupe au Grady Memorial Hospital serait la dernière intrigue dont elle faisait partie.

Comment meurt Tyreese dans The Walking Dead?

Lors d’un rêve hallucinatoire consécutif à sa première morsure et qui se prolonge avec la deuxième il voit certains des personnages de la série déjà morts. Rick, Michonne et Glenn tentent de le sauver en lui coupant le bras mais en vain, Tyreese meurt sur le chemin du retour.

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Quand meurt Bob dans The Walking Dead?

Bob Stookey
Personnage de fiction apparaissant dans The Walking Dead.
Origine Américain
Décès Saison 5 épisode 3
Sexe Masculin

Why did Beth decide to kill Dawn?

« I knew you would be back » was Dawn projecting her desperation for someone to need her as a false hope. With Dawn’s true motivations exposed, Beth wanted to end the cycle of abuse that resulted from Dawn’s broken psyche and decided to kill her.

What does Beth say to dawn at the end of coda?

In The Walking Dead, at the end of the episode Coda, Beth says to Dawn: « I get it now. ». What does she mean? Is it that Dawn is actually the problem, not everyone else as she tells all the time?

Why did Dawn and Beth get the badge?

I think that when Beth said she got it, it is because Dawn put the fault on the others cops about how the hospital was managed. Each times she talked about what they had to do in order the other cops kept protecting the group. In the episode she said that her mentor died because he loved to help people but he put him in risky situation sometimes.

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Why did Dawn ask for Noah last minute?

Beth was walking away w/ her group til Dawn made the last minute demand for Noah. Just before Dawn does that, she turns slightly to her officers and then speaks. Her sociopathic control was at risk. She was all about maintaining her power and could not let herself appear weak in front of the others.

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