Ou est ne William Shatner?

Où est né William Shatner?

Montréal, Canada
William Shatner/Lieu de naissance

Quel est le nom du capitaine dans Star Trek?

William Shatner, le capitaine Kirk de Star Trek, embarque dans la fusée Blue Origin | Actu.

Est-ce que William Shatner parle français?

Il s’agit d’ailleurs d’un des rares longs métrages américains à avoir été tourné dans cette langue. William Shatner, qui ne connait pas l’espéranto à l’instar des autres acteurs, prononce les sons « à la française », en raison de l’influence de cette langue durant sa jeunesse (Shatner est né au Québec).

Quel âge a le capitaine Kirk?

A 90 ans, le capitaine de Star Trek rempile et embarque dans une fusée de Jeff Bezos.

What is William Shatner famous for?

My Dad Says Weird or What? William Shatner OC (born March 22, 1931) is a Canadian actor, author, producer, director, screenwriter, commercial astronaut, and musician. In a career spanning seven decades, he is best known for his portrayal of Captain James T. Kirk of the USS Enterprise in the Star Trek franchise.

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What happened to William Shatner after Star Trek?

After his final appearance as Kirk in Star Trek Generations (1994), Shatner continued his acting career. From 2004 until 2008, he starred as attorney Denny Crane both in the final season of the legal drama The Practice and in its spinoff series Boston Legal, a role that earned him two Emmy Awards, one on each series.

Was William Shatner a difficult co-star to work with?

For years, some of Shatner’s Star Trek co-stars accused him of being difficult to work with, particularly George Takei, Walter Koenig, and James Doohan, the latter two of whom Shatner acknowledges in his autobiography Star Trek Movie Memories.

Did William Shatner ever reconcile with Peter Doohan?

In the 1990s, Shatner made numerous attempts to reconcile with Doohan, but was unsuccessful for some time, Doohan being the only former Star Trek co-star refusing to be interviewed by Shatner for his 1993 memoir Star Trek Memories.

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