Est-ce que Buffy aime Spike?

Est-ce que Buffy aime Spike?

Si de nombreux fans ont adoré l’histoire d’amour entre Buffy et Spike, un détail prouve que depuis le départ, cette relation était condamnée. La relation de Buffy avec Spike a commencé progressivement dans la saison 5 de Buffy contre les vampires, mais n’a abouti à rien de sérieux jusqu’à la saison 6.

Est-ce que Spike meurt?

Il réussit à lui rendre ses forces en accomplissant un rituel qui mélange son sang avec celui d’Angel mais Buffy intervient et, lors du combat qui s’ensuit, Spike est écrasé par un orgue et reste paralysé (épisode Kendra).

What happened to Buffy and Anya in Buffy the Vampire Slayer?

During the battle against the hellgod, Anya saved Xander from falling rubble and was knocked unconscious, while Buffy sacrificed her life saving Dawn and the world from a dimensional rift; Anya later played a part in the spell to resurrect her.

Why did Cordelia hate Buffy so much?

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Blaming the Slayer Buffy Summers for everything that was wrong in her life, Cordelia wished that Buffy had never come to Sunnydale, which transported her to a grim alternate universe where the Master had risen and both Xander and Willow were vampires.

Why did Anya keep saying she was in Hell?

She repeatedly mentioned to Buffy that she had been in Hell, earning multiple reprimands from Xander and the gang; and she kept remarking right in front of the Potential Slayers that they were all going to die one way or another. According to Olaf, Anya had the same personality prior to become a vengeance demon.

What is Anya’s sexual side like?

Anya appears to have adventurous sexual side hinting that she and Xander have indulged in costume roleplaying, bondage, [citation needed] spanking and using Buffy’s vaulting horse in their intercourse. She also considered some of the magic spells she performs with Willow to be « sexy. »

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