Comment verifier la version NodeJS?

Comment vérifier la version NodeJS?

Vous pouvez vérifier votre version actuelle de NodeJS à l’aide de la commande node ​​-v. Vous pouvez également modifier votre version à l’aide du gestionnaire de version de nœud .

Comment activer NPM?

La façon la plus simple d’installer npm est d’installer Node. js puisque npm est livré avec. Pour cela, rendez-vous sur le site et téléchargez la dernière version stable (LTS) de Node.

Comment installer package NPM?

Pour installer un paquet globalement, il suffit d’utiliser la commande npm install avec l’option -g . Pour installer Sass globalement, par exemple, nous taperons npm install -g sass .

How do I check if NPM has been installed?

Use the npm search command to show everything that’s available. Use npm ls to show everything you’ve installed. If a package references to another package with a git URL, npm depends on a preinstalled git. If one of the packages npm tries to install is a native node module and requires compiling of C++ Code, npm will use node-gyp for that task.

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What is NPM used for in Node JS?

It puts modules in place so that node can find them, and manages dependency conflicts intelligently. It is extremely configurable to support a wide variety of use cases. Most commonly, it is used to publish, discover, install, and develop node programs. Run npm help to get a list of available commands.

Why can’t I add a comment to the dependencies in NPM?

Note: For the dependencies, devDependencies, etc. sections, the comment annotations can’t be added directly above the individual package dependencies inside the configuration object since npmis expecting the key to be the name of an npm package. Hence the reason for the @comment dependencies.

Does NPM support comments in package JSON?

4 One of the core npm developers has refusedto consider comments support in package.json. Please comment on that issue – maybe we can show how useful comments can be. – Dan Dascalescu

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