Comment traiter la fibrose kystique?

Comment traiter la fibrose kystique?

On a très fréquemment recours à l’antibiothérapie (traitement par des antibiotiques) chez la personne atteinte de FK. Les antibiotiques peuvent être administrés par voie orale, par voie intraveineuse ou en aérosol. Le traitement vise à prévenir ou à éliminer les infections respiratoires bactériennes.

Comment traiter fibrose pulmonaire?

Il n’existe pas de remède à la fibrose pulmonaire, il s’agit d’une maladie dont on ne guérit pas. « Le patient va recevoir un traitement médicamenteux destiné à ralentir la progression de la maladie mais son évolution est fatale. Dans certains cas très avancés, la greffe peut être envisagée », explique le médecin.

How bad is cystic fibrosis?

Over time, cystic fibrosis can damage lung tissue so badly that it no longer works. Lung function usually worsens gradually, and it eventually can become life-threatening. Respiratory failure is the most common cause of death. Acute exacerbations.

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Why is CF called « cystic » and « fibrosis »?

Cystic fibrosis is an inherited disease caused by mutations (changes) in a gene on chromosome 7 , one of the 23 pairs of chromosomes that children inherit from their parents. CF occurs because of mutations in the gene that makes a protein called CFTR (cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator).

Can you get cystic fibrosis at any age?

Cystic fibrosis. Most children with CF are diagnosed by age 2. For a small number, the disease is not detected until age 18 or older. These children often have a milder form of the disease.

What is the prognosis for cystic fibrosis?

The severity of symptoms and the prognosis vary depending on the specific genetic defect leading to the disease, as well as the age and other associated health problems of the patient. The current average life expectancy for cystic fibrosis patients in the U.S is about 37 years.

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