Comment se conjugue le verbe Cantar?

Comment se conjugue le verbe Cantar?

Ce tableau montre la conjugaison du verbe espagnol « cantar »….Gerundio: cantando.

Presente Imperfecto
yo tú él/ella nosotros vosotros ellos cante cantes cante cantemos cantéis canten yo tú él/ella nosotros vosotros ellos cantara cantaras cantara cantáramos cantarais cantaran

Comment conjuguer le verbe vivir en espagnol?

Conjugaison du verbe vivir

Pronoms Personnels Sujet (non obligatoire en espagnol) Vivir
Él , ella , usted* vive
Nosotros(as) vivimos
Vosotros(as) vivís

Comment conjuguer le verbe chanter en espagnol?

Il existe trois différents groupes verbaux en espagnol : les verbes qui se terminent en -AR, les verbes en -ER et les verbes en -IR. Au présent de l’indicatif, ces trois groupes verbaux suivent une règle de conjugaison précise….

Verbe en espagnol Verbe en français
Hablar Parler
Amar Aimer
Cantar Chanter
Bailar Danser
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When to use preterite?

The preterite is used to talk about completed actions in the past. More specifically, it is used to talk about beginnings and ends, things that took place on specific days or dates, at specific times or during specific time periods, and events in a sequence. 1.

When to use the preterite vs. the imperfect?

Generally speaking, the preterite is used for actions in the past that are seen as completed, while the imperfect tense is used for past actions that did not have a definite beginning or a definite end.

What is preterite Spanish?

Preterite is the Spanish tense that you use when an action has been completed already or was just a one-time thing, like going to Hawaii, as opposed to something habitual, like taking a shower.

What is the preterite in Spanish?

The Spanish preterite tense (el pretérito) is used to describe actions completed at a point in the past. The Spanish preterite is not used to describe habitual or continuous actions in the past with no specific beginning or end.

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