Comment parler le verlan?

Comment parler le verlan?

Le verlan est une forme d’argot français qui consiste en l’inversion des syllabes d’un mot, parfois accompagnée d’« élision », un type d’apocope (afin d’éviter certaines impossibilités phonologiques). C’est en inversant les syllabes de la locution adverbiale (à) l’envers que le terme de verlan a été créé.

Quels sont les mots verlan?

méchant → chanmé

  • gentil → tigen, tijan.
  • énervé → vénère.
  • louche → chelou,cheul → leuch (article existant)
  • pourri → ripou (voir le film Les Ripoux)
  • lourd → relou (article existant) reul.
  • bizarre → zarbi (article existant) ou zarbe.
  • fou → ouf (article existant)
  • What is argot and examples?

    For example, argot in this sense is used for systems such as verlan and louchébem, which retain French syntax and apply transformations only to individual words (and often only to a certain subset of words, such as nouns, or semantic content words). Such systems are examples of argots à clef, or « coded argots. ».

    LIS:   Quel est le diplôme d’expert comptable?

    What does argot mean?

    Definition of argot. : the language used by a particular type or group of people : an often more or less secret vocabulary and idiom peculiar to a particular group He has been bombarded by thousands of scathing messages—known as being « flamed » in the argot of cyberspace. — Peter H. Lewis.

    What is argot in prison?

    Prison slang is an argot used primarily by criminals and detainees in correctional institutions. It is a form of anti-language.

    What is a synonym for argot?

    slang, cant, jargon, lingo, argot, patois, vernacular(noun) a characteristic language of a particular group (as among thieves) « they don’t speak our lingo ». Synonyms: cant, slang term, bevel, patois, slang, slang expression, vernacular, pious platitude, lingo, camber, buzzword, jargon, chamfer, bank, jargoon.

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