Comment meurt Doakes?

Comment meurt Doakes?

James Manos Jr. Le sergent James Doakes (Albert Doakes d’après Le Passager noir de Jeff Lindsay) était un brillant inspecteur de la Police de Miami. Cette découverte lui a coûté la vie puisque Lila Tournay, qui était amoureuse de Dexter, a fait exploser la maison où Doakes était retenu.

Qui est le Boucher de Bay Harbor?

Frank Lundy
Le Boucher de Bay Harbor Frank Lundy est envoyé à Miami pour résoudre une affaire importante : des corps découpés d’hommes et de femmes ont été retrouvés dans la mer, à proximité du port de la ville.

Who is James Doakes in Dexter?

Sergeant James Doakes (or simply Doakes) is a main character in the Showtime series DEXTER. Doakes was a strong-willed Sergeant within Miami Metro Homicide. He acted as both a detective and a supervisor at any given crime scene. He often partnered with Sergeant Angel Batista and Officer Debra…

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How does Doakes’false conclusion work in Dexter’s favor?

However, Doakes’ false conclusion works in Dexter’s favor, as he believes Dexter’s (nonexistent) drug addiction is caused by work-related stress which, as Doakes recounts, led many policemen down the same path.

What is James Doakes’catchphrase?

 » Surprise, motherfucker! – James Doakes’ catchphrase  » Sergeant James Doakes (or simply Doakes) is a main character in the Showtime series DEXTER . Doakes was a strong-willed Sergeant within Miami Metro Homicide. He acted as both a detective and a supervisor at any given crime scene.

What did Dexter say to Doakes when he asked him about Doakes?

When Doakes responds with « Fuck you, » Dexter is slightly puzzled, and merely says, “Okay.” Frustrated, Doakes demands Dexter’s analysis on the blood spatter, asking if Dexter thinks he’s there to invite him to his nephew’s bris. Dexter sarcastically tells Doakes that he didn’t know he was Jewish.

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