Comment diagnostiquer une hernie inguinale?

Comment diagnostiquer une hernie inguinale?

Le diagnostic de hernie de l’aine non compliquée est clinique par la palpation d’une tuméfaction indolore, impulsive et expansive à la toux et surtout réductible. Cette tuméfaction est située au-dessus de la ligne de Malgaigne joignant l’épine du pubis à l’épine iliaque antéro-supérieure.

Comment soigner une hernie à l’aine?

Le seul traitement d’une hernie inguinale est chirurgical. Il existe cependant diverses techniques selon le type de hernie. L’objectif est de replacer le morceau d’intestin dans la cavité abdominale et réparer la paroi de l’abdomen.

What are the functions of the inguinal canal?

The sole purpose of the inguinal canal is to provide a conduit that facilitates gonadal descent . In males, this results in the testes leaving the lumbar region of the posterior abdominal wall to enter the scrotal sac. In females, however, this means movement of the ovaries from the same area, to the pelvic region.

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What does inguinal canal mean?

The inguinal canal is a small passage that leads through the lower abdominal wall. Present in both sexes, the canal permits structures to pass from the abdomen to the genital region.

How can I Find my inguinal canal?

In this manner, how do I find my inguinal canals? In a male, this is done by placing a finger into one side of the superior aspect of the scrotum (in a female, the superior aspect of the labia majoris) and pushing toward the back slightly, and up to the ipsilateral anterior superior iliac spine.

What are the boundaries of inguinal canal?

[edit on Wikidata] The inguinal canals are the two passages in the anterior abdominal wall which in males convey the spermatic cords and in females the round ligament of uterus. The inguinal canals are larger and more prominent in males. There is one inguinal canal on each side of the midline.

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