Comment avoir un beau monstera?

Comment avoir un beau monstera?

Le meilleur endroit pour installer votre monstera peut être près d’une fenêtre mais sans soleil direct. Vous pourrez même l’installer de manière assez éloigné d’une source de lumière car le monstera supporte très bien la lumière tamisé. Ce qu’il redoute le plus c’est l’excès de soleil car il vient assécher la plante.

Comment repiquer monstera?

Le moment du rempotage

  1. Drainer le fond du pot avec des billes d’argiles ou du gravier.
  2. Mettre un peu de terre.
  3. Installer la bouture.
  4. Recouvrir les racines de terre.
  5. Arroser généreusement.

Do Monstera plants grow new leaves every year?

But the frequency of which your monstera grows new leaves isn’t something the plant controls. You control that. The plant just sits there, doing their best. It’s up to you to provide food, water, and light to enable it to grow.

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Can I use leaf armor on Monstera leaves?

Leaf Armor is gentle and safe to use on monsteras as well as your other houseplants, so you can protect ALL your plant babies with the same product! You can purchase Leaf Armor here. Monstera’s leaves are its crowning glory, and you can keep them looking healthy and gorgeous with good care and a few targeted products!

Is Monstera deliciosa a climbing plant?

Back to Top Native to the rainforests of Central America, the Monstera deliciosa plant is also known as the « tropical split-leaf philodendron. » This climbing evergreen is a popular easy-to-grow houseplant and a favorite of many interior designers for both residential and commercial spaces.

What is the difference between Monstera deliciosa and Monstera adansonii?

Both monstera plants are known as Swiss cheese plants but what differs is the size of their leaves. Monstera deliciosa’s leaves are significantly larger than the petite leaves of Monstera adansonii. The Spruce uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles.

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