Comment Appelle-t-on la partie articulaire situee entre le capitulum et la trochlee humerale?

Comment Appelle-t-on la partie articulaire située entre le capitulum et la trochlée humérale?

Sur sa face supérieure, on trouve une petite dépression nommée fossette humérale ou fovéa humérale qui s’articule en haut avec le capitulum de l’humérus. La fossette humérale n’occupe pas toute la surface, et la surface latérale de la tête tourne sur elle-même et répond à l’ulna.

Comment soigner une fracture de la tête de l’humérus?

Le traitement chirurgical consiste à réduire le foyer de fracture puis à le stabiliser par un moyen d’ostéosynthèse. Enclouage, plaque ou prothèse : l’intervention dépendra du type de fracture, de la qualité humérus et de votre âge.

What are the specific names of the condyles of the humerus?

The humeral condyle is the name given to the end of the bone (called the humerus) at the top of the front leg (the forelimb). Together with the radius and ulna (the two bones of the antebrachium or forearm) the humeral condyle makes up the elbow joint.

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How do you repair a broken humerus?

The vast majority of humerus fractures are treated without surgery. The arm can heal after it is immobilized in a cast, a special splint or a functional brace. Surgery may be needed for a more severe fracture, or any open fracture with exposed bone. The humerus will be repaired with plates and screws, or a metal rod.

How painful is a broken humerus?

A broken upper arm (fractured humerus) can be extremely painful, so much so that you may feel sick, dizzy or faint. Other symptoms of a broken upper arm are: You will be unable to use your arm. Your elbow or upper arm may be swollen. Your elbow or upper arm may bruise. If it is a very severe break, your arm may be a different shape.

What is the healing time for a broken humerus bone?

In general, an elderly person with a proximal humeral fracture never regains full range of movement, whether treated conservatively or surgically. The aim is rehabilitation to a functional range of movement. Generally recovery takes at least one year but union is expected at 6-8 weeks. Adequate treatment of those at risk of osteoporosis.

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