Pourquoi choisir Ansible?
Ansible est un outil de logiciel libre qui sert à automatiser la gestion de la configuration, du déploiement et de l’orchestration. Ansible est plus facile d’accès que les autres options et ses instructions s’écrivent et se comprennent plus aisément pour une organisation. …
What is Ansible and how does it work?
Ansible works by networking multiple nodes within a system while simultaneously creating small programs called “Ansible Modules,” which are essentially resource models for the state of the system. Ansible executes the Modules over Secure Shell (by default), at which point they are deleted upon completion.
How to get started using Ansible?
Install Ansible. On most Linux distributions Ansible can be installed directly through your distribution’s package manager.
What are the disadvantages of Ansible?
Insufficient User Interface. The first entry in the disadvantages of Ansible is the crude user interface.
What are the main use cases of Ansible?
Provisioning – All the services like websites,apps etc.