Pourquoi le titre Arabesque?

Pourquoi le titre Arabesque?

Ce nom est en fait le nom de jeune fille de la mère d’Angela Lansbury, Moyna McGill.

Où se trouve la maison de Jessica Fletcher?

Mendocino (Californie)

Statut Census-designated place
Jumelage Miasa (en)

Qu’est-ce qu’on nomme des arabesques?

L’arabesque étant l’un des motifs les plus abondants de l’art décoratif islamique, elle fut identifiée sous ce nom en Occident, bien qu’elle existe dans de nombreuses cultures, en particulier en Occident depuis l’Antiquité. On la nomme aussi entrelacs ou rinceaux selon les cas.

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What does the term arabesque refer to?

The term arabesque refers to a swirling floral pattern used in Islamic art. It usually consists of intertwined flowing lines and is originally found in Arabic or Moorish decorations.

What does the name arabesque mean?

Wiktionary (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: arabesque (Noun) An elaborate design of intertwined floral figures or complex geometrical patterns. arabesque (Noun) An ornate composition, especially for the piano. arabesque (Noun) A dance position in which the dancer stands on one leg, with the other raised backwards, and the arms outstretched Etymology: arabesque, from arabesco, from arabo.

What is the best definition of the word arabesque?

Arabesque is defined as an artistic portrayal of flowing lines, particularly scrolls. An example of an arabesque can be seen on the Savonnerie carpet in the Louvre. An arabesque is defined as a graceful ballet pose.

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What is arabesque all about?

An arabesque is a ballet position whereby the dancer stands on one leg and stretches the other leg straight out behind his or her body. The standing leg can be bent or straight, but the back leg must be straight. The arabesque is a common position in various styles of ballet.

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